Terms and Conditions

a)     Lessons with Matt Gibson are charged at: 30-minute invoiced at $55.00 excl. GST and 60-minute lessons are invoiced at $95.00 excl. GST.
b)    Lessons with George Audet are charged at: 30-minute invoiced at $37.50 excl. GST and 60-minute lessons are invoiced at $70.00 excl. GST.
c) TEACHERS should send an invoice at the start of each term, payable within one week of the invoice date.
d) LESSONS will be one on one in all instances unless prior arrangements have been made with the teacher. Exceptions shall be made for parents/guardians of students.
e) TUITION will be given by the term of ten consecutive weekly lessons, each term to commence in the week following the end of the previous term’s holidays, except where ten-week terms coincide with public holidays. HOLIDAYS: Lessons will be suspended for periods in the winter, summer and for public holidays as announced by the teacher.
f) SPECIAL arrangements can be made for a trial period on request.
g) FEES are payable per term in advance or no later than the second lesson of that term. If, at any point, you are having difficulty paying, please contact the teacher immediately to make an arrangement.
h) LESSONS missed through the student’s non-attendance will be charged for, unless the circumstances, in the teacher’s opinion, warrant a special concession. Lessons cancelled by the teacher will be carried forward.
i) It is the student’s responsibility to give prior notification to the Teacher of any absences. If a student is sick and unable to attend a lesson, the teacher must be notified prior to the lesson and no later than 8.00am, preferably via email. Twenty-four hours’ notice is required for all other absences.
j) PROGRESS REPORTS are to be made available by request.
k) EXAMINATIONS AND COMPETITIONS: The teacher will not enter the student for any examinations or competitions without the student’s consent; the teacher’s opinion as to what examinations and competitions are suitable at each state of the student’s progress should be accepted by the student and the parent.
l) NOTICE to discontinue lessons must be given no later than the first lesson of a Term; otherwise, the fees for half of the Term will become payable. If a student does not intend to continue lessons in the new year, written notice should be given by the final lesson of the current year. Where no such notice is given, teachers are entitled to charge a half-term’s fees in lieu thereof.
m) Except in cases of sudden emergency (e.g. illness), the teacher is expected to give a half-term’s notice of their inability to accept students in the following term.

 (NOTE: Reference to the students in these Conditions includes the parents or guardians of a child/student where the context allows).