Rockschool Beginner Grades - Video Index
One of the best things about drums is how visual they are. Unlike a piano, violin or even guitar on the drums you can really SEE the sound. Because of this, watching someone play a song you like or are trying to learn is a major advantage in order to understand what the drums are doing. Youtube a SUCH an amazing resource for drummers for this exact reason. The chances of there being a drummer playing to the song you want to learn on Youtube is super high so look a few songs up and watch to see what the drums are doing. Even just seeing how other people move and flow around the kit is a great insight into how to play.
Check out the songs and watch how the drummer plays them. Combine that with your knowledge of how to read drum music and you’ll be able to play along to the songs much faster than you could with either just the video or the sheet music on its’ own.